FREE K-6 Tutoring for Carolina Complete Health Plan Members

Visit Carolina Complete Health

Select Value Added Services under the For Members tab

Select Math and Reading Tutoring on the Value Added Services page

Complete and submit the K-6 tutoring support form (form may take time to load)
Student(s) must be a current Carolina Complete Health member to receive this value-added service. Visit Carolina Complete Health for eligibility details.
For 28 years, Educational Tutorial Services (ETS) has been a leader in providing virtual tutoring across subjects, particularly for underprivileged groups like foster care, immigrant, homeless, and at-risk children, and those with behavioral or learning disorders. Specializing in K-12 and adult tutoring, ETS aids in ACT/SAT, GED prep, and literacy/math remediation. We collaborate with social service agencies, foundations, healthcare plans, and schools, extending our reach to large organizations, offering tutoring services to employees and their families.